

Are you familiar with Color Tunnel?

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In the exhilarating running arcade game Color Tunnel, your goal is to achieve the best score while moving through a tunnel filled with moving obstacles.
Your primary objective in this simple game is to avoid all the red obstacles in the tunnel. Your level rises the further you run. As you advance in levels, the tunnel will vary. Because you can only manipulate the mechanics by using the right and left arrow keys or the AD keys, they are easy to utilize. To avoid the collision, you only need to move to the left or right.
The game Color Tunnel is played at a breakneck rate and calls for quick thinking and reflexes. You'll move quickly through a tunnel. You'll move on your own. Many players find this difficult. Over time, even your speed will rise.
The tunnel also contains numerous obstacles of diverse shapes. There are triangles, hemispheres, and cylinders to choose from. Not only do they constantly arrive, but they also move inexplicably. Go through the remaining hemispheres quickly! Avoid running into the moving triangles and cylinders. These barriers must be overcome in a unique way. In addition, because moving obstacles move at varying speeds, the difficulty level rises. Obstacles can move slowly, quickly, or remain stationary in some cases. You face difficulties if the tempo changes. You must swiftly adjust to your environment. The game will be over if you hit any of the red obstacles.

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