

Fan Games Based on Anime/Games?

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So are we allowed to use renpy to make fanbase games on anime and games. There are some 'yes to' and 'no to' this sort of thing but i saw Sailormoon games on the site. 
So if I want to make a game base on Final Fantasy or the Bleach, and Naruto anime, saying something that
-it's fan-based because I like the anime
-not liscensed by the 'ppl in charge
-I do not make a profit of selling this game, it's free for fans
-and other I do not own this series
-using midi music for Final Fantasy (since ppl make it and it's suppose to be free)
- Using game screenshot for backgrounds (if can't, I'll make my own).
- Use own fan art of it (I guess we can't use the company's original art...can we?)
So would it be frowned upon if I released something like this? Or I would like some tips. I don't want to get flamed or dig myself a hole because I love these games and anime, and I want to make a free visual novel for the fans, and not to pose as the real thing.

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Thank you

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Using renpy to make fanbase game on the anime is really fantastic idea which will make most of things much easier. To hire research paper services individual should hire the best one. The same games like Sailormoon have already been developed by using renpy.

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That's good! Classic titles like free games and modern games like Life is Strange fall into this genre.
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